Sunday, April 1, 2012

It's Allergy Season! Time to Get an Air Purifier.

Flowers are blooming like crazy and the rain keeps stirring everything up.  You may notice your allergies are already in full force.  Medication is definitely helpful, but did you ever think of simply taking the allergens out of the air?  Air filtration systems and quality HVAC filters have dropped drastically in price over the years.  The Amazon Store below has an enormous selection of air purification devices for home and business.  Even if you do not have allergies, clean indoor air is a healthier environment for all.  Check out the store by clicking on the following link.
Click the button to go to the Amazon Air Purification Store

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Clean Air and Water Amazon Store

Amazon has become an online giant and with the creation of their aStores, finding low cost quality products just got a lot simpler.  If you are interested in purchasing a water or air purification system, I recommend the Water and Air Amazon Store.  This Amazon store is dedicated to solving all your air and water related problems by providing a large selection of water and air purification devices for home and business.  Click on the following link and enjoy the store.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Review on Atmospheric Drinking Water Generators

When it comes to a review, there is only one product that performs, the Ecoloblue Atmospheric Generators.  As long as there is a little bit of humidity (water vapor in the air), you can produce 99.9%  high quality drinking water with this amazing state of the art machine.  There are even solar powered varieties of these machines available, which enables them to be set up virtually anywhere in the world.

EcoloBlue Life & Energy

There are variations of this product that allow you to make carbonated water for soda along with industrial strength ones that can produce water in much larger amounts.  Click on the EcoloBlue link below to check out the product.  They have a pretty amazing website that describes exactly how the machine operates.  I never knew water could be filtered so many ways and the quality is virtually unmatchable. The only real criticism I have about the machine is that it does have a high price tag.  $1,200 for the basic model, which comes with two years worth of filters.  If you are a person that goes through a lot of plastic water bottles, this product will actually save you money in the long run.  If you spend a lot of time in an RV or Boat, this product may be a wise investment.  If you live in an area with well water, this will drastically reduce your drinking water cost, while improving its quality.  If you simply want to be able to produce amazing drinking water anywhere at anytime, especially in an emergency, this is your product. 

EcoloBlue Water From Air
EcoloBlue Life & Energy

Benefits of Owning Air Purifiers

State of the Art Air Purifiers and Dehumidifiers

Great Selection, Pricing, and Service!  Air purifiers remove common allergens and pollutants that can irritate people with asthma, allergies, COPD, and many other breathing and immune system issues.  Some air purifiers even kill viruses and bacteria, lessening the likelihood of catching illnesses.   Whether your looking to improve household air quality or aid workers in a factory, Atlas has a large selection of state of the art air purification solutions for just about everyone. Click on one of the Atlas links to browse the store.
Best Quality Air Purifiers